Best Places To Find Stock Photos

Azka Rao
4 min readNov 29, 2022


The importance of adding catchy images to the content can never be understated. If your content does not look appealing, there are maximum chances of not getting any traffic to your content.

Adding images to your website is a simple method to enhance user experience. Visual information makes up 90% of all information that we take in and have sent to our brains. Images can aid in drawing attention to your site and directing visitors' lines of sight.

In this second part of the series I started, I am sharing with you the 5 best places to find stock images that you can use to beautify your content. Let's get started

1. Unsplash

Here you get free stock photos & videos you can use everywhere. There are millions of high-quality royalty-free stock images & copyright-free pictures. And the good news is that now you can directly search for photos on Medium from Unsplash. Isn’t that amazing?

2. Pexels

Designers, bloggers, and anyone else looking for visuals can find fantastic photos and videos on the free stock photo and video website and app Pexels. These images can then be downloaded and used without charge. Simply download the image or movie you like without any restrictions if you see it.

3. Pixabay

Pixabay is the free stock photography and royalty-free stock media source. It is used to share images, illustrations, film clips, music, and artworks under the unique Pixabay license, which generally permits the free use of the content with few restrictions.

4. Freepik

For their innovative projects, graphic and online designers can use the search engine Freepik to get high-quality images, vectors, icons, drawings, and PSD files.

It's a great tool for tracking and finding free graphic material online, and it logically presents the findings for simple access. Additionally, there is a tonne of high-quality, free, and exclusive content available that is updated daily and created by the Freepik team.

You can use Freepik to find the files you require without having to manually search through numerous websites.

5. Librestock

librestock is an online stock photo index that compiles images from various other free stock photo websites. They’ve become a popular destination for designers and developers thanks to their distinctive UI, wide assortment, and centralized access.

The majority of people find that the time spent looking for the ideal stock photo is often longer than the time spent working on the project. Flipping through pages and pages of digital information, several stock photos websites, and millions of images and video clips in search of the ideal piece of content. This is why knowing the best sources for stock photos is necessary for content creators.

These are 5 amazing places available online out there providing high-quality stock photos trusted by millions of people. Check these out today to be more creative with your work.

Do you want to add something? Drop a comment. I’d love to hear from you. Also, Part 3 is coming soon. Don’t forget to follow!

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